How to get rid of thin mustache in women

Not only men, a thin mustache found on the upper lip is often found in women. Which is usually this often leads to insecurity for most women. Imagine, the presence of a mustache even though the amount is thin but it looks will certainly make anyone feel insecure about this condition. No wonder this is what makes many women whose top part of their lips grow a mustache, and then strive to find a way to get rid of their thin mustaches.

Starting from the treatment to the salon to contact a beauty doctor for hormone injections so that the growth of fine hair is not too excessive to be taken in order to get skin free of hair. Though how to get rid of thin mustaches in women can be done at home with a number of ways below. This method is safe and easy to practice, curious as to what? Let's look at the information below just for you.

In principle, removing mustache in women is the same as that of men. However, for those of you who have never done it, you might be confused about getting rid of the mustache evenly. Caution remains the main thing in cleaning mustaches because mustaches in women tend to be thinner. Well, below are some ways to get rid of thin mustaches in women that are important to note well.

Use a Razor
Shaving is the easiest and most affordable step to remove fine hairs that appear on the surface of the skin on the upper lip. Although foreign to practice, but shaving is the easiest step to do, especially for you beginners. To maintain safety in shaving thin lip whiskers then you can choose to use a safe electric shaver.

If necessary before, please do research on various types of electric razors with parts that are safe for beginners. After you get it, you can start the step of shaving your mustache. Previously, please wet the surface of the lips with soap or shaving cream.

Don't forget to clean the razor by using alcohol to make sure this equipment is safe to use. Avoid using razor blades that are rusty or even blunt because this will be more dangerous and risky for you.

Do the epilation with one time then repeat from the base to the bottom. Avoid rubbing when you shave your mustache because this will be very dangerous. To make it easier for you to shave your mustache, please do the movements while pulling and tightening the skin so that the mustache is easier to clean.

Apply Hair Removal Cream
Another way you can do to clean fine hairs that grow on the top of the lips is to use a hair removal cream or hair removal cream. These cream products are widely available on the market and are sold freely in cosmetics stores. This material is usually safe for use on sensitive areas of the body including the upper lip.

Hair removal cream is a solution with a very alkaline content and has the ability to break protein bonds in the hair so that it makes it more soluble. By applying this cream on the top of your lips, the part of the mustache is easier to fall out.

The trick is to spread the cream evenly on the lips after the instructions for use. Then leave it for a few moments and rinse afterwards. In this way the hairs on that part will be easily pulled. Although fairly easy and fast, unfortunately the use of hair removal cream does not last long. This is because the hair removal cream does not work to pluck hair and fine hair to the roots.

So thus, in a few moments the hairs might grow back. But for short-term and rushed use. In addition, to avoid allergic reactions to the skin, you should first do an allergy test by applying cream to other parts of your body.

Revoke with Tweezers
Another way that is more manual and can be done easily at home to get rid of a mustache is to use tweezers. This method is considered far more effective and durable. Because, by using tweezers, hair and mustache will be cleaned up to the roots evenly. Unfortunately, the way this one can cause pain and pain apart from that you may need more time doing this treatment because you need to pull it out one by one slowly.

Tweezers are clamp with a small size with a flat edge and quite sharp. The use of tweezers to pull out hairs in areas that are not too broad as part of the mustache is considered far more effective. For those of you who want to use tweezers to clean your mustache you can do it with the technique below.

The first step please hold the skin by gently pulling the upper lip to the bottom. This method will make it easier for you to clean fine hairs that are not visible.

Then after that, clip one by one the hair that grows and gently pull outwards. Do the same with the remaining hair until you find that part is clean from the growth of a mustache.

When finished, rinse the area using cold water. This method will make the pores swollen and open easily closed and you will avoid the pain that continues.

The next step you can take to clean the whiskers on your upper lip evenly is to use a waxing technique. This technique is a method of removing hair on the body by using an adhesive wax that is applied to the growth of feathers and hair and with a paper applicator. Later, the adhesive will be pulled tightly at once to clean the fur quickly.

Usually waxing is done in the salon and done specifically by experts. Because usually people are reluctant to do their own waxing because this method is quite painful and invites tremendous pain. Doing it alone usually makes this technique the longer the duration so many people finally decide to let someone else do it.

But for those of you who want to do waxing yourself at home, it doesn't matter as long as you are brave and have the same skills that therapists have in the salon. Especially at this time there are many home-based waxing products that can be obtained easily into the body through open pores.

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